Friday, June 21st Full Moon Summer Solstice Breathwork Ceremony


Join myself (Heather Waxman) and an intimate community of like-hearted souls at Element 50 in Fairfield, CT on Friday, 6/21 from 4pm — 5:30pm for a deeply healing and soul-nourishing full moon breathwork ceremony.

A breathwork ceremony is a truly sacred space in which you practice a specific, active breathwork pattern to assist you with experiencing deep somatic healing, enhanced spiritual & intuitive connection, and the medicine of community.

Each month, we gather at Element 50 crystal shop under the light of the full moon to work with the themes, qualities, and energies of that specific full moon as well as a steady, collective intention to release, clear, and heal that which no longer serves your highest and best good. Our full moon ceremonies center themes of releasing & letting go of what is no longer needed and creating space in our minds, bodies, and spirits for what is in greater alignment with our soul’s journey, expression, and curriculum.

IMPORTANT: You will receive all details about the breathwork ceremony from us via email after you register. Please be sure to enter an email address that is yours and that you use regularly so that you can receive all of the information you need.


Medical Disclaimer

It is not recommended that you practice this active breathwork pattern if you have cardiac issues, heart arrhythmia, pre-existing lung conditions, are prone to seizures, have epilepsy, are pregnant, have severe mental health issues, or suffer from complex PTSD. Please consult your medical provider before coming to breathwork and use your best judgment. If you have additional questions, please email me at and I will respond to your email within 48 hours of receiving it.